911 West 38th Street
Suite 400
Austin, Texas 78705
Tel: 512-553-1700
Fax: 512-503-3959

Please follow these instructions as they are very important for your safety. Failing to do so may result in the delay, cancellation, and/or rescheduling of your surgery.
Before Your Surgery
After we have scheduled your surgery:
You will receive a phone call from an automated system to preregister and complete important patient forms. You will receive a text with the HSTpathways pre assessment to complete this questionnaire.
One of our nurses will then email you to review this submitted information and explain our current COVID-19 policies.
About a week before your surgery:
Please expect a text from a PSCA nurse to go over your surgery instructions, remind you to preregister if you’ve not already done so, and answer any questions you may have.
The night before your surgery:
Please do not eat or drink anything as directed by Pinnacle staff. If you have questions please contact us.
Confirm your post-op transportation arrangements. We require patients to be accompanied by a responsible adult when they leave our facility as an extra layer of safety.
Notify your surgeon and PSCA staff if your medical condition changes or you feel unwell, such as with a cold, flu or fever.
The Day of Your Surgery
Be sure to bring your photo ID, insurance card, and form of payment.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing that is easily removed for your convenience. If you wear contacts, we highly suggest that you wear glasses on the day of your procedure.
Please leave all valuables at home, including jewelry, wearable electronics, etc.
For your safety, you will not be discharged without a responsible adult to accompany you home. We will require their contact information prior to admission.
Before surgery, you will meet with the anesthesiologist as well as your surgeon to address any questions so that you are fully comfortable.
After Your Surgery
It is not unusual to feel a little sleepy, lightheaded or dizzy several hours after surgery.
Do not drive, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages or operate machinery for 24 hours.
Do not sign any important documents or make important decisions for 24 hours.
Your surgeon will prescribe pain relief medication, as needed, for at-home use following surgery.
You will be given post-operative instructions. The nurses will review these with you and answer any questions you may have.
You will receive a text message for a link for a satisfaction survey about 2 days after your procedure. Please take a moment to fill this out and submit it for us to review our performance.